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Effluent Treatment Plant - ETP

Effluent treatment plant design for industries

Course Briefing

This course will teach you how to design Effluent treatment plants for an industry or industrial zone. The discussion will start focusing on the basics of the ETP systems and working principles; The course extensively covers all aspects of chemical, bio-chemical, and biological ETP. 


At the end of the course, you will be able to design an ETP system for different projects. 


Course Objectives

The objective of this course includes but is not limited to the followings:

  • Holistic understanding of ETP working principle.

  • Familiarize with types of ETP.

  • Learn to calculate the capacity of ETP. 

  • Understanding of different treatment methods.    

  • Learn to manage Sludge.

  • Learn to control ETP dischrage. 

Content Outline 

1.0 Cleaner Production:-3 Hrs

i) Trend-setting introduction of industrial pollution;

ii) Theoretical concept of Eco-efficiency;

iii) What is cleaner production;

iv) Financial benefits of cleaner production; and

v) A future perspective.

2.0 Industrial Water Management: -3 Hrs

i) Impact of industry on water resources;

ii) Industrial water quality;

iii) Water audit;

iv) Waste minimization;

v) Treatment options;

vi) Appropriate technology; and

vii) Implementation.

3.0 Toxicity in Industrial Wastewater:-3 Hrs

i) Measures of toxicity;

ii) Kinetics Models for toxic substrates; and

iii) Dealing with toxicity.

4.0 Physical Chemical Processes:-3 hrs

i) Contaminants/classes and process selection;

ii) Physical‑chemical transformation processes;

iii) Physical-chemical separation processes; and

iv) Coagulation/flocculation.



5.0 Anaerobic Industrial Wastewater Treatment:-3 Hrs

i) Anaerobic high-rate treatment of industrial wastewater;

ii) UASB reactors;

iii) EGSB reactors;

iv) EGSB/IC reactors; and

v) Industrial treatment examples.

6.0 Sludge Management: -3 Hrs

i) Sludge conditioning;

ii) Sludge thickening;

iii) Sludge stabilization; and

iv) Sludge dewatering.

7.0 Case studies:-6 Hrs

i) Steel industry;

ii) Tannery;

iii) Aquaculture;

iv) Industrial practices: potato, sugar, tannery, and yeast;

v) Sugar, steel, and water reclamation;

vi) Resources recovery;

vii) Water management/water reuse (membrane bioreactors);

viii) Refinery;

ix) Leachate treatment;

x) Metal surface protection by advanced wastewater treatment;

xi) Brewery industry; xii) Sludge drying; and

xiii) Sludge incineration.

24 Hr

Total Training 

2 Hr


30 Min



Final Evaluation 

Cetification Pre-Requisite:

  • A four-year degree

  • 12 months of hands on experince

  • 30 hours of class room training

— OR —

  • A diploma or an associate’s degree (or global equivalent)

  • 60 months hands on experince

  • 30 hours of class room training


  • Learning outcomes are evaluated through a psychometric test.

  • 60-minute online AI proctored test.

  • Multiple choice question.

  • No negative marking.

  • Attend exams from anywhere.


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