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Steps to appear for an Online Exam

1. Go to the Candidate Login Page using the link sent to your email. 

2. Enter the Candidate username and password

3. Click on Login

4. After login candidate, there will be a display of  exam details

5. Click on Proceed link to appear for the exam.


Exam Status

1. Proceed: This status indicates that you can click on this button to start your online exam

2. Completed: This status indicates that you have successfully completed online exam. All answers attempted by the user would be auto-saved in the system

3. AutoComplete: This status indicates that the system has auto submitted your exam due to completion of exam time. All answers attempted by the user would be auto saved in the system

4. Expired: This status indicates that exam timer has elapsed and All answers attempted by the user would be auto saved in the system.


On the top of your screen, you can see a summary of exam

Total Number of Attempted Questions would be shown in green color.

Total Not attempted question count would be shown in grey color.

Total Attempted and marked for Review would be shown in blue Color

Not Attempted and marked for Review would be shown in purple color.

Note: All answer responses are saved automatically in the system even if you do not click on Save button. Answers are saved irrespective of the status of the question (marked for review or not)


System Requirements for Online Examination

  • Personal Laptop or Desktop computer in working condition with good quality Microphone and Camera (you can use either Windows PC or Mac)

  • You can also attempt an exam on smartphone (having camera) with chrome browser

  • Internet Connection of at least 512 Kbps or more will be the best.

  • Latest Google Chrome Internet Browser (pre-installed)- Please download and be ready.


Browser Requirements for Online Examination

The latest version of the Google Chrome browser must be pre-installed on your respective devices.


Notification Settings

Turn off notifications in apps and browser popup to avoid distractions and exam terminations.

Smartphone users can go to Settings -> Applications -> Select the App -> Notifications -> Turn off all notifications.

You have to turn off notifications from all apps that could possibly distract you during the exam- such as, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and all such other apps.

Please note that notifications and incoming calls would be considered as warning alerts and may cause termination of the exam.


Web Camera Testing

If you are attempting an online proctored exam then you need to ensure that your webcamera for laptop or smartphone camera is in working condition.

The light should be good enough in the room where the candidate is appearing for the exam (There should be sufficient light on the candidate’s face to make it visible to the web camera)


Resuming the Online Exam

During the exam, candidates should not switch screens or move out of the exam page or open any other application. This will terminate the exam and the candidate may not be allowed to resume the exam again. In case of genuine connectivity issues, Exam admin may allow resuming the exam once as an exception.

If candidates have had to discontinue the test for whatever reason, they are requested to re-login within the stipulated time by using the same login credentials.

Candidates can resume the test where they have left, as all the previous details including the exam’s remaining time will be saved in the system automatically.


Frequently asked questions about Online Exam


Q1. Can students make or receive phone calls during the exam ?
>Any incoming, outgoing call would be considered as a violation. If the violation exceeds the set limit, students will be terminated from exam.


Q2. Can students use any other application or receive notifications during exam?
> All notifications will be considered as violation, so it SHOULD be kept off. If the violation exceeds the limit, students will be terminated from exam.


Q3. If my internet connectivity is not good, what will happen ?
> The student may still be able to appear for the exam, but many advanced features may not work like speech to test, editing and formatting options etc. Students need to appear from a place where there is a good connectivity. We suggest that the student has 1 GB data before start of the exam to have an excellent exam experience.


Q4. What actions cause system warnings/ terminations during the exam ?
System warnings are shown to the student, when
– The student switches the window and moves to another application
– The student receives or makes any phone calls- Notifications on a mobile device from other apps like WhatsApp etc
– Pop-Ups from the browser, including antivirus popup, grammar apps, news popup etc
– Ctr Alt & F5 key and browser refresh button are used while attending the exam
– Minimizing the browser window can also terminate your exam.
– All applications on the device must be closed before starting the examSo request you to disable all notifications and browser popup before the start of the exam.


Q5. My text to Speech functionality is not working properly. What could be the reason?

>Text to Speech engine requires clear audio input, so students are advised to use proper earphones with a working mike to use this feature. If the audio is not clear, this feature will not work. A laptop microphone will not help in this case because it’s too far away from the person.


Q6. If the online exam gets stuck during the exam, what should I do?
> Students can restart their device and log in with the same credentials.


Q7. Can I change the device during the exam?
> Yes, you can change your device and log in with the same credentials.


Q8. If am not able to log into the exam application, what should I do?

> If the student is facing some technical difficulty while logging in to the application, they can call the exam helpline numbers


Q9. If I have some difficulty DURING the exam, what should I do?

>Once the exam starts – all queries will be handled by Proctor ONLY. In case both technical team/ proctor not available, the Support Coordinator may be contacted who can help the student.


Q10. I have updated the Chrome browser but am still facing a problem accessing the exam system. What should I do?

>If any student face issues with the Updated chrome browser then please try once with the Updated Mozilla Firefox browser.


Q11. Can I use office laptops for taking the exams?
>Office laptops sometimes have restrictions and will not allow access to all sites. So it needs to be avoided or tested in advance for compatibility.


Q12. If I use the mark for review feature then will those questions would be considered for result calculation?
> Yes, all attempted questions would be considered for result calculation (including those marked for review)


Q13. What if I do not click on Submit button, will my answers saved ?

> Yes, System saves all answers on a continuous basis and it is saved automatically even if you do not click on submit button.

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