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Kizen Workshop 

Operational excellence 

Who should sit for Kaizen?

A kaizen event is a five-phased team workshop with a specific goal or set of plans for an area that needs improvement. This event will be led by a team leader and include training, data collection, brainstorming, and implementation.


Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement." It is a Japanese business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously improve operations and involve all employees. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process.


Kaizen ensures continual improvement. If you are a part of a service operation, this workshop is for you. 

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Operational excellence 

What will I be able to do after this course?

When the first signs of improvement become apparent, there is a risk of people becoming complacent and returning to their old behavior. An important principle of Lean is 'Continuous improvement'; things can always be done better! This principle is captured in the Japanese term 'Kaizen,' which stands for 'small changes' (kai) 'for the better' (zen). In the West, we translate Kaizen as 'continuous improvement.' Kaizen is not about significant innovations, merging departments, outsourcing services, or new IT systems. Not that those projects are wrong, they have nothing to do with Kaizen. Kaizen stands for small change for the better.

What will I be able to do after this course?

After finishing this course, you will be able to effectively implement Kaizen in your day-to-day operational activity confidently, resulting in continual productivity in the industry. 

Course design

The course consists of One theoretical classroom day with various educational working methods like simulations, exercises, and discussions. The procedure involves a portion of self-study in preparation for the exam. After the theoretical classroom days, the delegates can conduct a practical part which consists of (functional) assignments under the guidance of your instructor (Kaizen Expert).


Upon completion, the project is assessed by your instructor. Completing the Practical Assignment will enable the delegate to demonstrate practical experience in applying Kaizen objectively.


Hours Preparation


Theoretical Hours


Hours of Homework


Hours of Exam Preparation


Hours Coaching

Kaizen Workshop 


  • What is kaizen?

  • Kaizen Event Planning

  • Kaizen Philosophy: 5 Easy Steps For You And Your Loved One

  • Introduction to Value Stream Mapping

  • Kaizen Teian

  • Kaizen Events

  • Kaikaku

  • Kakushin

  • Implementation of Improvements

  • Controlling the changes

  • The continuous cycle of Kaizen

  • Documenting and sharing results


Hours of Preparation

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